Digital ArtZ
We are Inspired by the Success of our Clients
Success of our clients is one of the most important aspects of our work culture. It follows from the realization that our success is interwined with the success of our clients
We remain committed to the projects we do and the success it brings to our valuable clients. Fruitful completion and useful delivery is among the top priorities for us

Frequently Asked Questions
Often repeated questions from our valuabel customers; which you may also be interested to know the responses of, as you ponder on an engagement with us
How long it takes for an engagement to have the final delivery ?
It primarily depends on the type of engagement. The majority of engagements we currently have are in the websites development area. This normally takes 2 weeks to one month depending on complexity. We expect the necessary support from our valued clients in terms of the required materials for the project at the required times. Engagements for SEO takes a longer time for the final results to be perceivable
Is it necessary to have a face to face meeting at any time of engagement for the project to be finished ?
No. Since the deliveries and inputs are all digital, they can be exchanged over the internet. Meetings can take place over video conferences. Payments are also possible over the internet. Ours is a truly digital engagement, and hence client location is immaterial for the project to be completed. We welcome customers from any part of the globe

Our mission
Turn Ideas into Reality
Your brilliant ideas turn into reality when customers perceive value in them. Customer behavior is largely influenced by the strength of your brand; and that is our mission to build it. When you have a compelling value proposition, and the customers are unaware of it, the case is that of a lost business opportunity and value, both for you as well as the customer
Trust us, for the customers to develop the right perception about you
We strive to build unbreakable solutions. Apart from the quality in design and processes, our product quality is driven by the quality of our team. For us, ‘Quality is not an act, but a habit’
The technical team uses WordPress along with the functional plug-ins. The other tools include MySQL database, PHP, CSS, Python, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Premiere Pro
Those who are not passionate about Work and Customer Success will find our environment hard. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
Join our Awesome Team
If you are sure of possessing the above skills, attitude and passion, then you are welcome to apply for a placement with Digital ArtZ. We have openings for Developers and Graphic Artists with the above competencies having three years of experience in a similar responsible position. Please send your CVs to with the subject as Developer or Graphic Artist as the case may be